Many people often say that there is not a big difference between counterfeit and authentic products, so you could simply buy a fake. Now an image of Inter fans @nerazzurro32 raises doubts about counterfeits being as good as authentic products.
Fakes are practically worthless, especially if you consider to collect and resell them
Counterfeit Nike Inter Milan 2021-22 Away Jersey
A counterfeit Nike 21-22 away kit showed off by @nerazzurro32 features a ridiculous error- it has the crest upside down. This is something that should not happen but at least could have been noticed anytime during the process.
The overall manufacturing quality of the product is bad
However, such an error will not happen often but the counterfeit would be also bad without it. For example, there is a thread that sticks out on the Inter crest. The logo is screw as well.
The jersey has been purchased via the infamous DHGate, known for its incredible prices and inconsistent quality.
Which Is The Fake? Nike Dri-Fit ADV Liverpool 21-22 Real vs Counterfeit
In general, whenever you think about buying a fake consider that it is a product that is practically worthless. Many classic football kits got very expensive in the past few years but of course not if you got a cheap fake.
What do you think of this fake? Have you experienced something similar? Comment below.