For the first time since introducing the all new football boot silo a couple of months ago, Adidas today released two new, limited-edition skins for the Glitch. Kept low-key in all-black and all-white, the two new limited-edition Adidas Glitch soccer cleat skins are exclusively available in London.

Adidas Glitch 16 Skin - Black

Somewhat similar to one of the initial skins, this new Adidas Glitch 16 boot outer skin is all-black and doesn't feature an iridescent effect. The lateral Adidas stripes are also black this time, as is the sole plate.
Adidas Glitch 16 Skin K-Leather - White
The white Adidas Glitch skin reverts the look of the above and also exchanges the synthetic upper for leather. Definitely the cleanest look for the totally new Adidas soccer boot model yet, the whiteout Adidas Glitch limited-edition skin will definitely prove popular amongst the Glitch crowd.
Tech-wise, these new Adidas Glitch outer skins are identical to all previously released editions. They bring a construction entirely without laces and have to combined with fitting 'inner shoes'.
Available from today, the blackout and whiteout Adidas Glitch limited-edition skins retail at £100, while the inner shoes cost £150 each.