For today's match against Manchester City, Liverpool's home shirts bear the logo of Futuremakers instead of usual sponsor Standard Chartered.

Liverpool Wear Alternative Sponsor Logo

Liverpool have been sponsored by banking company Standard Chartered since 2010 and have carried their branding on the front of their match shirts since then. For today's match however, a different logo was emblazoned on their jerseys, that of Futuremakers, a sub-section of Standard Chartered which aims to help businesses make their practices more sustainable.
The Futuremakers logo itself is fairly innocuous, much like that of standard Chartered, and is coloured all white in keeping with the simple design of Liverpool's 22-23 home shirt. They may want to wear it more regularly after achieving their best result of the season with it in the 1-0 win over City.
How do you think Liverpool's shirt looks with this alternative logo on the front? Let us know in the comments.