It seems almost certain that Tottenham Hotspur will not have a sleeve sponsor this season, according to Sports Sponsorship Insider editor Matthew Glendinning. Many Premier League teams have already signed a sleeve sponsorship deal, while some big teams such as Manchester United have no sleeve sponsor yet.
Does The Deal With AIA Allow Tottenham Hotspur to Have a Sleeve Sponsor?
Tottenham Hotspur's kit will likely feature the league patch on both sleeves the whole season, just as this year.
Tottenham Hotspur's current deal with AIA (American Insurance Association) is worth £35million a season for Tottenham until 2022. It is not known if the deal allows the club to have a extra sleeve sponsor, while the club has 'yet to go to market for a sleeve sponsor, likely due to AIA deal.' (Matthew Glendinning).
Spurs yet to go to market for a sleeve sponsor, likely due to AIA deal.— Matthew Glendinning (@mattglen) September 4, 2017Tottenham wouldn't be the only club whose deal with their main sponsor does not allow them to have an individual sleeve sponsor. Arsenal is not able to sign a sleeve sponsorship deal as the club's current deal with Fly Emirates, which was signed back in 2012 and will run until the end of the 2018-19 season, does not allow the club to have a extra sponsor on the sleeves as well as a training sponsor.
Share your thoughts in the comments below and check out all Premier League sleeve sponsorship deals signed so far.